Casting my net...Stuff you should read

So how's it going this week? I hope you're all still 'bringing it' when it comes to the 50 @ 50 Challenge!! I've been tacking on the reps at the end of my usual workouts - it seems many of you have been doing the same. Some of them also work well as part of your warm-up routine - like the jumping jacks or jump lunges coming up this week. Keep posting your photos too! There's a $25 iTunes gift-card up for grabs for the photo I deem most entertaining or spectacular!

I took my 'mid-term' exam as part of my studies this week and as a result I'm excited that I'm now certified as a Health & Nutrition Coach and am now taking clients. (I'm looking forward to telling you more on that soon!) As part of my studies I'm doing a tonne of reading these days! (yes, for those sarcastic 'mates' out there, I CAN read!) But isn't modern studying just great? - gotta love the internet for over-whelming yourself with information. And it got me thinking that I want to put some of those great articles I read in one place - so I can reference back to them, but also, so I can share some great resources and interesting reads with you guys too. So every couple of weeks I'll be 'Casting my Net' across the interwebs and bringing you my list of stuff you should read!

So here it is; this week I've been Casting my Net here;

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