From me to me – my journey to becoming a health and nutrition coach.
Growing up in England in the '70s I was very much an outdoor child. Whilst in no way a great sportsman, I had seemingly endless energy – until I became a teenager! I lost all interest in sport, so by the time I left school I could never be described as fit, and was known by my friends as ”chicken legs.” Strange then that I should choose the military for a career!
During my early years in the Royal Air Force, fitness wasn’t a huge part of training and I managed to fail my runs and fitness tests on a regular basis. As time went by, I started to realize that, with my sloth-like tendencies, I was in the minority. So I reluctantly set about doing something to change this. I began to appreciate that my almost 6-foot frame and those 'chicken legs' gave me a natural ability to run. And run I did! At the tender age of 31, I was the oldest in my class to pass one of the British Military’s toughest physical training courses. I could run 10 miles in under an hour and I stayed ahead of the pack on many half marathons with times in the region of 80 minutes. Finally those legs were worth their weight in gold and I was part of a specialist parachute Unit!
After my 23 year military career I took some time out. My wife and I left England, bought a motorhome and spent the next 4 years travelling the highways and byways of North and Central America. Whilst on the road I developed my coaching practice. It was during this time that we fell in love with British Columbia and applied to emigrate; and now here we are.
I realized when I was part of the Airborne Unit that I was fit, but was I healthy? Like many people then and today, I was under the illusion that being fit on the outside meant healthy on the inside. Now I know differently and understand that everything we eat or drink has a direct and potentially lasting effect on who we are, how well or how sick we are and how we live our lives. I now realize that there is so much more to a healthy lifestyle than good food and exercise. As a holistic health and life coach, I am enjoying a fulfilling career that I am in total control of. I have been happily married now for almost 12 years and my relationships with my family and friends are healthy and uplifting. As someone who turned my back on a strict and judgmental religion in my teens, I now find my own form of spirituality in the world around us. I am in awe of nature as I hike the hills and paddle the lakes of British Columbia and even when tearing up the empty highways or mountain trails on my motorcycles I find absolute peace and contentment in my life.
My Coaching Philosophy
My attitude is now completely positive. Good health brings us self-confidence, and I know that anything can be achieved by anyone with the right mindset. We alone are often our biggest barriers to a life of abundance. But I have a life of balance; it’s not all green smoothies and raw vegetables. I still like a good burger occasionally and I am very unlikely to give up my red wine or microbrew beer. As the saying goes; “All things in moderation – including moderation…”
My journey took me a long time and I don’t regret a moment of it. It is all a part of who I am today. But it doesn’t have to take this long for you. Although it’s never too late to make the change, it's also never too early and there really is no time like the present – after all 'now' is the only time we have!
I have always gained immense satisfaction from mentoring 'my' clients to become the best possible versions of themselves. I believe that a good coach allows everyone to be true to him or herself while striving to be the best version of that self. Like most people, I don’t like to make huge sacrifices and I believe that taking 'small steps' is the most effective route to big results. Yes, we all need to step out of our own particular comfort zone to make the required changes, however I believe we don’t have to smash though our boundaries in one go – we all go at the pace which works for us as individuals. Life is long and this is a lifelong change.
If you want to achieve the life you are capable of and truly deserve, and are ready and prepared to commit to make the change, then I’d love to hear from you. Click on the ‘Contact Me’ tab, and we’ll schedule an appointment for a free, no-obligation and confidential consultation. We’ll go through your own personal dreams and issues together and discuss how I can help you achieve your own health goals.
InSpiral Coaching – Small Steps for Big Results!