Watermelon Agua Fresca

It's hotting up here in beautiful BC! And the watermelon is front and centre as you walk in most of the grocery stores. There's something about this lovely fruit that screams 'summer' to me!

Check out this super-simple refreshing drink, sat on the deck after a long, hot day at work or play!

  • 1/4 Small seedless watermelon
  • Sprig mint
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  • Water
Directions: BLEND! Add some ice for a super cool drink! Enjoy!


  1. I can almost track the day the weather shifts enough into summer for me - it's the day I stop drinking tea and start drinking iced tea ;). This looks super refreshing, can't wait to dip into it when the temps reach what you've got in BC (we were at 23 today, not bad)!

    1. Wow, only 23 degrees C - that's 'Baltic'...;-)


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